Friday, September 26, 2008

I ain't got time bleed. Injury is the ultimate gateway drug.

So I haven't written anything here in a while, and there are several good reasons for that. 1. I'm lazy. 2. Spelling is hard. 3. Nothing awesome has happened lately, at least not that I have pictures of, and pictures are half the fun.

Anyway, I started Japanese classes a couple weeks ago to help kill some time and give me something to do when I don't feel like doing nothing. There are only 6 people or so in the class, and I don't think I have anything in common with any of them, and there are no girls, so it's not exactly an ideal situation, but the teacher is cool enough and it gets me out of the house. Maybe in the spring there will be some new blood. We've only had 2 classes so far and I can already tell it's going to be one of those 'you get out what you put in' type of deals. Shitty. Thank god for listen and learn programs I can carry around with me. Now when I go back to Tokyo in Nov I will be able to order a beer and ask where the shitter is without getting blank stares and chicks checking out my big American man with round eye pants bulge. Maybe.

In a few hours I'm leaving to spend the weekend in Chicago, which should be fun as long as the weather holds. I'm going to be tired as fuck since I worked all night tonight and can't sleep before my flight, but thems the breaks I guess. The flight I had found that would have let me sleep for a while jumped from $130ish to $400 in the 30 minutes I waited to finish the purchase, so I got stuck with some early-morning bullshit. Live and learn kids.

From now on I'm going to try and update more frequently, as I always think of funny stuff but then wait for weeks before trying to post it, and by then I have forgotten what it was. This should be enough for now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

If girls liked guys who rode bikes, then I'd like totally have three and a half chicks

After waiting for a month and a half for the bike I ordered to come in, then waiting a couple more weeks for all the right parts to come in, then wasting a couple days getting it together, I have finally completed my new ride. For those playing at home that's Campy Record all over that bitch, and yes I know the seatpost is shite. The downside is it's hot as shit outside, I've been up since 2am because drunk people kept calling me all night, and I'm really hungry but of course have no food. So I'm not even going to take if for a test drive. Maybe later.
Other than that not much has happened since the boat trip shit.
No longer working Saturday nights, I have been finding other things to do, and this most recent Sat I went somewhere I hadn't been in a long, long time; Sam's in the village. I have to say that this looks like the place to go during football games, as the amount of hot ass in there was pretty impressive to say the least. Even better, it's really loud in there and everyone is drunk, so even if I did talk to someone she wouldn't hear it and/ or wouldn't notice how pointless the conversation was. Score. After Sam's we went to Spanky's (hate the name) and Greenhouse, but by then I was trashed and things get splotchy. That seems to be a trend lately, and I'm not entirely convinced it's for the best, though I do feel obligated to make up for lost time. Getting out seems to be the thing to do, and I'm trying to go to new places and do new things, or at least spread myself out a bit more, throwing some red door, bar 23, brewhouse, and both corner pubs and some maf's into the mix more often. Since I consistently leave my card at brewhouse and Dawn works at CPmid, I have at least two reasons to head that way, and those are both decent places to start or end a night, assuming one can get a decent parking spot in which to leave his or her car. Probably going to go to a few football games and do more 5ks and shit too. Either that or I'll sit on my ass and watch 'rasslin on teh tele and whittle/ play the dulcimer; the end result will be the same.
I had something funny to write, but I can't think of a good way to preface the story and I'm getting tired. Thank some sort of god I don't work for a couple more days.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Super action wish lake party fun wish time spectacular. Or perhaps not. (?)

Well, this last month has been a big step forward for me, at least in terms of potential future coolness. For one thing, I started going out again, kind of, hitting a few bars on Mondays, Tuesdays, and the occasional Sunday, which is a huge change from my typical sit-at-home-being-a-fucking-tool routine. I also started riding again, got a new bike, got a haircut, and worked my last scheduled Saturday night for a while. Now I can get back to dating all those hot chicks that have been on hold. That part will probably not happen, but then again who knows.
For those of you who no longer (or never did) live in this country, this past weekend was labor day weekend, when everyone drinks all the time and is more or less unproductive for 72 hours. I got off work Sunday morning around 7 am, rode my bike for a bit then came home and took a nap. To make a long story short, I'll try and represent the following events with a flowchart of sorts. Try and keep up.
Nap-->No food since breakfast-->Broadway Brewhouse-->Almost instantly drunk-->Corner pub midtown to see Dawn--->Beer and a few Jaegerbombs-->I honestly don't know-->Bar 23-->Some people's apartment-->Asleep @ 7am-->Wake up @ 8am-->Home-->1100am until 1145am in bed-->Noon head to lake-->Beer up on the water until 5ish-->Home-->Big plans, little stamina (this applies to more than just my drinking plans I suspect)-->Pass out like bitch while getting ready to go watch game-->Wake up 5am Tuesday, realize car has been by Brewhouse for days-->Ride bike to vehicle-->Hate self-->Continue to live with regret-->Eat sandwich-->Sigh deeply-->The end.
And that is pretty much that. All in all a pretty good time, and it leads me to believe I need to start hitting up more bars more often, at least until I knock some chick or something like that. Saturday cannot come soon enough. The visor in the pic was only worn for a second to keep my face from getting more burnt. The shitty glasses have the California Raisins on them and were worn all day. In hindsight, taking an objective look at myself, it's pretty easy to see why things are the way they are. Sigh.