So a brief recap of the last few months: I spent most of November in Thailand and Hong Kong, with two super-brief and Indian buffetless stops in Tokyo, a really really long day of freezing balls in Seoul and a night in Chicago thrown in just for good measure. Thailand was for the most part fucking nuts, with tons of stuff to do (weather permitting) and a crazy full moon party on an island for those with a penchant for shirtless beach drinking until sunup before falling asleep on the boat back home. In hindsight I should have gotten my teef whitened. Maybe next time. Hong Kong is also cool but the air is shit and the drinks get pricey quickly. Tokyo was more or less the same as it's always been but the fact that Eureka's Castle or whatever the Indian place was called has closed means I probably won't be going back this year, except as a stopover or something. Sorry Rori, but Tokyo is dead to me. At least until I decide to buy a $2,000 kitten. I already covered more about the trip than the average person would probably care to read in my facebook photos so see them for more should you want it.
December was spent doing very little that would be of interest to anyone. I lost my tan, quit working out so much and started getting fat. The winter cold really pisses me off and I typically end up loafing around the house or (on a good day) riding my bike on the trainer until I decide it sucks (5-10 min on average) then eating something bad for me.
Now that it is January I have started the new year with a new job and a new short-term reason for living. I recently decided that despite the fact that a week ago I couldn't get through a mile without stopping to gasp for air I need to run in the Music City half marathon this April. I did manage 5.5ish miles today, but it was split into two short runs.
Here is a pic of my shoes,

In other news I've been without a tv in my bedroom for almost two weeks. For a while I had quite a tv sales racket going; I was buying tvs and then just selling them to people on Craigslist for a profit. Surprisingly easy and effective way to make decent amounts of money, but it worked too well this time, as one guy ended up buying the set off my wall as well. Everything is for sale I say. Anyway, this is what I'm left with:

I don't watch a ton of tv but when I'm falling asleep it's nice to hear the voices of women on tv instead of being forced to listen to the sounds of solitude coming from the other side of the bed. Sometimes I think I can hear the ocean coming from the hollow area under my blanket over there. Sigh. At least I can rip huge farts without worrying about it.
Moving on, check out that sweet modded 360. Ballin. The new tv should be here by this weekend and it will be out of control. I went way, way overboard size-wise and will post a pic when it gets here. Completely over the top but watching movies will be cool as shit. At least if I ever do manage to get a girl over here it will be easy to ignore her the next morning with the new set.
Boredom is starting to set in. I've said this before but this time I think I mean it: More frequent smaller updates will be the way to go from here on out. Things are probably funnier if and when I can remember the good parts. I also need to go back and edit out some commas as I use way too many. Most of this is thrown up as a bunch of disjointed crap before I can forget what I want to write then I don't really go through and clean it up. Oh well.